Candidates for WA State House Positions from Seattle and King County Reject Olympia Democrats' Soft-On-Crime Policies, in the Wake of Teen Killing at Alderwood Mall

July 9, 2024

Bellevue - On Wednesday, July 3, Jayda Woods-Johnson—just 13—was shot and killed at Alderwood Mall in Lynnwood. Her tragic death is a horrible crime. And it’s even more proof that lawlessness has become an urgent problem here in Washington.

“As common-sense Washingtonians, committed to restoring the rule of law in our state, we must shift the focus of the legislature in Olympia to do more to make our communities-our schools, even our shopping malls—safe again,” says WAGOP Chairman Jim Walsh.

Fed up with the status quo, a slate of all women Legislative candidates from Seattle and King County is rejecting Olympia Democrats’ soft-on-crime policies by running for political office as common-sense conservatives.

“This is a group of women from the Puget Sound region who’ve had enough,” says Chairman Wash. “They’ve had enough of soft-on-crime policies promoted by limousine leftists who live in gated communities. They’ve had enough of laws not being enforced. Of criminals not being prosecuted. Of felons turned loose on the streets. These women want real, common-sense change in this state. And they’ve had enough of empty words from politicians like Gov. Jay Inslee and Attorney General Bob Ferguson. They’re doing something. They’re talking action. That’s inspiring for everyone in Washington.”

The Candidates are Lisa Rezac (LD 32, Position1); Lori Theis (LD 32, Position 2); Jolie Lansdowne (LD 34, Position); Victoria Palmer (LD 36, Position 2); Beth Daranciang (LD 46, Position 1); Simone Barron (LD 46, Position 2). Emily Tadlock (LD 41, Position 1); Melissa Hamilton, (LD 30, Position 1); Lynn Trinh (LD 48, Position1); and Pamela Randolph (LD 41, Position 2).

Meanwhile, Lynnwood police say that the Alderwood Mall shooting started with an “altercation” between two “groups.” In plain English, “groups” usually means “gangs.” Local police say that Jayda was caught in the crossfire. She was not connected with either “group.”

The local police have also reported that the shooter who killed Jayda was a 16-year-old boy who lives in Edmonds. His name has not been released yet, because he is a minor. Apparently, the shooter’s own mother turned him in to law enforcement.

To that woman, we are grateful. Thank you.

Incredulously, within 48 hours of his arrest, the shooter was released from custody by a Snohomish County court on a $500,000 bond. Jayda’s mother, Tabatha Johnson, responded with a public statement: “We are extremely disappointed and disgusted to learn that the mall shooter, the 16-year-old responsible for murdering our daughter, is shockingly already out on bail, back comfortable in his home. …This is completely unreasonable and an example as to why this continues to occur too often in our country. Our justice system isn’t taking a strong enough stand against those who are committing these senseless acts of violence.”

Tabatha Johnson, we agree with you. We are committed to reforming Washington’s justice system, so that it DOES take that strong stand.

In a statement released after the shooting, Lynnwood Mayor Christine Frizzell said: “Gun violence is ravaging our young people. …it can tear at the fiber of our community as well. Brazen acts of violence and disregard for the safety of our community need to stop. Our community members deserve to feel safe….”

That’s true. But Mayor Frizzell and others who try to blame rising crime rates in our state on abstract concepts like “gun violence” miss the root cause of the problem. Washington’s soft-on-crime policies are promoted by out-of-touch legislators in the State Capitol. Those policies tear the fiber of our communities. And those legislators need to find other jobs.

Last year, Democrats in Olympia supported House Bill 1268, which would reduce sentences for violent crimes-including gang crimes-committed in schools and other “protected zones.”

All of our opponents voted for HB 1268. Those votes are unconscionable. And the extreme ideology behind them is the same extreme ideology that caused the death of Jayda Woods-Johnson.

Two years ago, Democrats in Olympia proposed a bill that would reduce prison sentences for drive-by shootings. HB 1692 removed drive-by shootings as the basis for elevating a first-degree murder charge to aggravated murder in the first degree-which carries a mandatory sentence of life behind bars. Thankfully, that bill did not pass into law. But it’s another example of the extreme, soft-on-crime ideology that too many state legislators share.

We will fight against dangerous proposals like HB 1268 and HB 1692. For too long, limousine leftists in Olympia-who live behind gates and private security forces-have gone easy on violent criminals. This must stop.

We are parents and grandparents of children growing up in Washington. We are committed to restoring civil society—and the rule of law—in our beautiful state. We will keep the death of Jayda Woods-Johnson in our hearts and in our minds as we work to fix what’s broken in our policies and laws.

We ask you to keep this 13-year-old girl in your heart and your mind when you vote this November.

Jayda Woods-Johnson’s family has set up a GoFundMe account to help raise money for the 13-year-old girl’s final expenses. Please consider contributing.

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