Gov. Little, Secretary McGrane Visit Gowen Field to Register Voters, Proclaim 'Salute to Military and Veteran Voters Week'

From: Idaho Governor Brad Little
September 17, 2024

Boise, Idaho - Governor Brad Little and Secretary of State Phil McGrane visited Gowen Field today to register voters and pay tribute to the men and women in our armed forces.

Governor Little and Secretary McGrane signed a proclamation making September 15-21, 2024, “Salute to Military and Veteran Voters Week” in the State of Idaho.

“This is a big, very important election year, and we want as many citizens as possible to participate in our democratic republic by voting, especially our men and women serving in the military! I appreciate Secretary Phil McGrane for his leadership as Idaho’s top election official. Idaho leads the nation in election security, thanks in many ways to Secretary McGrane. It is important that we not only keep voter registration at the forefront to ensure strong voter participation in the election but that we also recognize the contributions of our military members and their families,” Governor Little said.

“I’m grateful to join with Governor Little to honor our military members and veterans by designating 'Salute to Military and Veteran Voters Week,' said Secretary of State Phil McGrane. “This is a special opportunity to ensure these brave men and women, along with their families, are empowered to make their voices heard in our elections. In Idaho, we are working to make sure voting is secure and accessible, no matter where our military voters are stationed."

Today’s event is one of many activities organized by Secretary McGrane’s office this week to get more voters registered, highlight Idaho’s election security, educate poll workers, and mail ballots to military members deployed out of the state.

The full contents of the proclamation signed today follow:

WHEREAS, the State of Idaho is home to a proud and distinguished community of military service members, veterans, and their families who have selflessly answered the call of duty, defending our freedoms with courage, steadfast resolve, and enduring patriotism; and

WHEREAS, the sacrifices made by our military personnel and veterans, both on the battlefield and in the fulfillment of their sacred oaths, stand as a testament to their dedication to the principles of liberty, democracy, and justice, which are the very foundation of our great nation; and

WHEREAS, the democratic process for which so many have valiantly fought and sacrificed is not only a right but a solemn responsibility, a duty of citizenship that ensures the continued strength and vitality of our republic; and

WHEREAS, the voices of our military members, veterans, and their families are integral to the democratic fabric of our state and nation, and their participation in the electoral process serves as a powerful affirmation of the values they have so honorably defended; and

WHEREAS, it is incumbent upon us as a grateful state to honor the service of these brave individuals by ensuring they are registered to vote, empowered to serve as poll workers, and encouraged to exercise their right to vote in the upcoming general election on November 5; and

WHEREAS, the week of September 15-21, 2024, offers a special opportunity to pay tribute to the remarkable service and sacrifice of our military and veteran communities by actively promoting their participation in our democratic process;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Brad Little, Governor of the State of Idaho, do hereby proclaim the week of September 15-21, 2024, as SALUTE TO MILITARY AND VETERAN VOTERS WEEK in the State of Idaho and urge all citizens to join in recognizing the invaluable contributions of our military and veteran communities. I call upon military members, veterans, and their families to register to vote, to serve as poll workers, and to make their voices heard by voting in the November 5th General Election. In doing so, we honor their sacrifice and reaffirm our commitment to the principles of freedom and democracy they have so courageously defended.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be affixed the Great Seal of the State of Idaho in Boise on this seventeenth day of September two-thousand and twenty-four.


Brad Little

Governor of Idaho

Phil McGrane

Secretary of State of Idaho


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