Gov. Pillen Announces Promotion of Fineran; Withdraw from State Service

From: Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen
August 30, 2024

LINCOLN, NE – On Aug 30th, Governor Jim Pillen announced the promotion of Thad Fineran to the rank of brigadier general in the U.S. Army. The advancement will require him to withdraw from state service, to accept a new posting outside of Nebraska in accordance with his promotion.

Currently, Fineran is serving as the interim director for the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE), to which he was appointed by Gov. Pillen in April. He has also served as chief of staff to Major General Craig Strong, adjutant general for the Nebraska Army National Guard.

“I appreciate the leadership that Director Fineran has provided to our National Guard and DEE in particular, while he has been in that role,” said Gov. Pillen. “He has helped bring several projects to fruition, most notably, a grant for $307 million from the EPA that will allow Nebraska to invest in innovative and sustainable agricultural practices, while protecting our environment. Thad also brought renewed focus and measurable expected outcomes to the AltEn remediation project near Mead that will bring the end of that effort into sight.”

“I have sincerely appreciated the trust and camaraderie of Governor Pillen’s administration and cabinet,” said Interim DEE Director Fineran. “The agency directors and the governor’s staff work tirelessly every day to make good decisions on behalf of our state while fostering a culture of stewardship, responsibility, efficiency, and commitment to Nebraska. Thank you for trusting me to lead Nebraska’s most valuable resource – its people.”

Fineran’s last day will be Sept. 30. The search is ongoing to identify a permanent director for DEE.

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