Kamala Harris: Pro-Violent Criminals, Not Public Safety

September 10, 2024

Kamala Harris has shown a concerning desire to protect violent criminals over American families. In June 2020, Harris urged her followers to donate to the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF). 

Where exactly does this money go to? Not only bailing out the protesters who burned down the city of Minneapolis, but also unrelated violent criminals, including sex offenders. MFF’s Interim Executive Director, Greg Lewin openly admitted that he rarely even reviews charges before bailing out criminals. As of July 2024, Harris continues to raise money for this disturbing organization, demonstrating her alarming disregard for public safety and her support for putting violent criminals back on the streets.

Let’s revisit some of the dangerous individuals Kamala Harris proudly released, who went on to continue their reign of terror:

- The MFF paid $350,000 to free Christopher Boswell in 2020 after he was charged with kidnapping and assaulting his ex-girlfriend. In December 2022, Boswell was charged with aggravated assault, stalking, and unlawful possession of a firearm after beating a girlfriend whom he had previously sold methamphetamine. 

- In 2022, the MFF paid $2,000 to free Shawn Michael Tillman after he was incarcerated for indecent exposure. Later that year, Tillman shot and killed a man in a St. Paul train station. 

- George Howard was arrested on domestic violence charges and was bailed out in 2021 for $11,500 by the MFF. Howard was later arrested that same year on murder charges after shooting a man on the highway in a road rage incident. 

- The MFF bailed out Jackie Rahm Little in 2021 after allegedly burning a neighbor’s car. After his release, he set fire to two Minneapolis mosques and vandalized a Minneapolis office of US Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN). 

No amount of gaslighting will make American voters believe she is pro-police or has done anything to keep Michigan families safe.  President Donald J. Trump is the only candidate that will keep violent criminals in jail and put Americans first. 


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