Rep. Boebert Introduces the Clifton Opportunities Now for Vibrant Economic Yields (CONVEY) Act

April 28, 2023

Today, Congresswoman Lauren Boebert introduced the Clifton Opportunities Now for Vibrant Economic Yields (CONVEY) Act to direct the Bureau of Land Management to sell a parcel of land to Mesa County to be used for economic development in Clifton.

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert (CO-03) stated, “Mesa County has been waiting more than five years for the Bureau of Land Management to sell it a parcel of land that the federal government no longer needs or wants. I introduced the CONVEY Act to cut through the bureaucracy and expedite the process for Mesa County. This land will be used for critical economic development in Clifton that will bring more job creators into Mesa County. I support Mesa County’s efforts that will facilitate economic growth in an area that needs new opportunities. I am grateful for Mesa County and the Bureau of Land Management’s work on this issue, and I look forward to continuing to work with them both as we find a solution.”

Mesa County Commissioner Cody Davis said, “Mesa County has been working diligently for many years to get this piece of property. The federal bureaucracy is laden with hoops to jump through, and we’ve been unable to acquire the acreage from the BLM. Clifton is an area of immeasurable value to us, and we want to see it grow and shine. With this property, we can promote economic development by incentivizing industry and business in the area. A huge shout out to Representative Boebert for helping us cut through the red tape.”


The CONVEY Act directs the Secretary of the Interior to convey 31.1 acres, slated for disposal and that the federal government no longer wants, to Mesa County, Colorado for economic development purposes in Clifton. The bill requires the County to pay fair market value for this land. Funds from this sale will be deposited into the Federal Land Disposal Account established by the Federal Land Transaction Facilitation Act and retained by the Colorado Bureau of Land Management to be used in Colorado. The Bureau of Reclamation will continue to retain 8.25 acres of the originally withdrawn parcel that the agency wants for project purposes.

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert has been actively advocating for Mesa County regarding the Clifton parcel purchase. In November, 2022, Congresswoman Boebert led a congressional oversight effort requesting information from the Bureau of Land Management asking for an update on where the Clifton parcel conveyance stood. In response, Bureau of Land Management State Director Doug Vilsack gave Congresswoman Boebert an update on the progress of the land conveyance. Congresswoman Boebert used this information to work with Mesa County and the Bureau of Land Management to draft the CONVEY Act to help expedite this important economic development opportunity.

For more than five years, Mesa County has been trying to acquire this parcel, at fair market value, that the Bureau of Land Management has designated for disposal and no longer wants.

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert’s office met with Bureau of Land Management State Director Doug Vilsack to discuss this issue. Additionally, Congresswoman Boebert went on a Mesa County field site visit with senior Bureau of Land Management officials to tour the Clifton parcel.

Congresswoman Lauren Boebert has been a tireless champion in defending rural Colorado, and she worked to keep the Bureau of Land Management western headquarters in Grand Junction so that local communities could have a voice in the land management decisions that impact their daily lives. Congresswoman Boebert’s successful effort to keep the Bureau’s western headquarters in Grand Junction secured 56 headquarters jobs and 70 other good-paying Bureau of Land Management jobs in Grand Junction.

The full text of the COVEY Act is available here. A map of the 30.1-acre parcel that will be sold at fair market value as a result of the CONVEY Act is available here.

Representatives Ken Buck (CO-04) and Doug Lamborn (CO-05) are original cosponsors that joined Congresswoman Boebert in introducing the CONVEY Act.


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