There is 'No Daylight' Between the Destructive Economic Policies of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden

September 12, 2024

When Dangerously Liberal Kamala Harris visits North Carolina, the question must be asked: why hasn't she done the things she is now saying she would do?

She has no vision, no solutions, and no answers on how she would be different than what we've seen under the weak and failed Harris-Biden Administration.

"Kamala Harris is wrong on the economy, wrong on the Southern border, and wrong for North Carolina families. President Trump has the right policies and the proven record to Make America Great Again," said NCGOP Communications Director Matt Mercer.

American families have been ravaged by the high cost of living under Harris-Biden — and she owns every bit of it. She has even repeatedly claimed that “Bidenomics is working” and that she is “proud” of Bidenomics!


  • The Kamala economy has wiped out more than 80% of Americans’ personal savings since January 2021 — nearly $3 trillion.
  • Americans have been subjected to the longest period of high inflation in more than three decades, which has cost the average family an extra $28,000 paying for the increased cost of living.
  • Overall prices have soared by 20.2%, while real average weekly earnings have declined by 3.9%.
  • Energy prices have soared 13 times faster than the previous seven years.
  • The median housing payment has increased nearly $1,000/month, with overall housing costs up nearly 50% as the cost of homeownership hits its highest in three decades.
  • Americans' collective credit card debt has reached another all-time high.
  • Kamala cast the tie-breaking vote for the American Rescue Plan, which even liberaleconomists admit drove prices to record highs — and has approved an astonishing, inflation-accelerating $11 trillion in spending.


All she has done is make things worse as she pushes for trillions in tax hikessocialized health care, and welfare for illegals.

Her only solution so far is a Soviet-style price fixing scheme that will inevitably lead to food lines, shortages, and skyrocketing inequality.

For more than a month, Harris' campaign website lacked any detail about specific policies she plans to implement as president.

She would be the most radical, far-left president in U.S. history.

  • According to Kamala Harris herself, "I am a radical. I do believe that we need to get radical about what we are doing."
  • Based on her senatorial voting record, Harris is more progressive than Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders.
  • While Harris will attempt to walk back her most extreme positions on the debate stage and pretend she can wipe away her past - make no mistake, Harris' values have not changed.
  • As president, Harris would implement Soviet-style price controls, eliminate private health insurance, pass the largest tax hike in American history, ban fracking, decriminalize illegal immigration, and more.


Harris has also pledged to eliminate President Trump's tax cuts and institute the largest tax hike in American history.


  • Harris wants to provide first-time homebuyers with $25,000 to help with the down payment on a new home, but is doing nothing to increase the supply of new homes.
  • Economists have said that Harris' new homebuyer tax credit would actually cause home prices to rise even more, doing nothing to make homeownership more affordable for the middle class. 
  • Harris would also implement federal rent control, limiting rent increases by certain landlords at no more than 5 percent per year.
    • A majority of economists agree that rent control policies hurt housing markets and ultimately limits supply.
    • Under Harris' leadership, rent prices have already increased by 22 percent.


  • Harris has praised the "defund the police" movement, saying the movement "rightly" called out the amount of money spent on police departments instead of community services.
  • Harris has repeatedly stated that the U.S. needs to "reimagine" law enforcement, arguing for less police in the streets and redirecting funding from law enforcement to other services.
  • Harris believes it is "outdated" and "wrongheaded" to think that more policing will make communities safer, adding, "what we have to do, and what we will do, is reimagine public safety."
    • Harris supports diverting resources away from law enforcement to "addressing mental health, homeless and substance abuse."  

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