Three NEW Common-Sense 'Initiatives To The People' Inspire A Renewed Sense of Optimism and Unity

April 15, 2024

Bellevue, WA - With the Republican State Convention in Spokane, WA, fast approaching, three NEW common-sense initiatives to fix what’s broken in WA are inspiring a renewed sense of optimism among conservatives and Washingtonians of all political leanings.

The new initiatives would repeal HB 1589 that phases out natural gas, put an end to squatters’ rights, and eliminate sanctuary state policies that prevent local law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration agencies. The recent death of Washington State Patrol trooper Christopher Gadd by an illegal immigrant laid bare the importance of repealing sanctuary state policies.

WAGOP Chairman and State Representative from LD19 Jim Walsh has authored and sponsored nine common-sense initiatives in the past year. Others are also filing common-sense initiatives, including the Building Industry Association of Washington. The BIAW recently filed an initiative “promoting energy by protecting access to gas for Washington homes and businesses.”

“This is exactly what I hoped would happen, as we have reinvigorated and energized the people’s initiative process in Washington. I hoped other people and groups would join us and make their suggestions for popular reforms,” Chairman Walsh says. “Let’s see more suggestions and more versions of reform ideas. The more, the better. We can read them all and rally our support around the best version of each reform.”

Of the nine common-sense initiatives filed by Chairman Walsh, three will soon become law. Three will appear at the top of the ballot in November—even above presidential candidates. And, though the window is narrow, if enough signatures are collected by July 5, 2024, the new initiatives could also qualify for the November ballot.

“The time is very short. But we’re going to do the best we can to assemble the pieces—assemble the groups and the people—and get these good reforms qualified this year,” adds Chairman Walsh.

Enshrined in the Washington State Constitution, the initiative process reflects the direct power of the voters to enact new or change existing laws.

With the tide turning for the better, common-sense conservatives and others are empowered for the first time in a long time, reflected in the comments to a recently published article in The Seattle Times titled: State GOP chair files 3 new initiatives to WA voters .

“Excellent! It’s way past time for voters to take back control of their destiny. I can’t sign all of them fast enough,” replied one reader.

“I’m a Democrat, and I look forward to signing these petitions. The problem with politics in this country is that we let a bunch of extremists on both sides of spectrum go public and they’re destroying the rest of us who live down the middle in reality,” wrote another.

“The Seattle Times used to be much more centrist. Now they … use the term “right wing” as a slur (while “left wing” is never used similarly). This article similarly called right wing the most centrist of voter initiatives (e.g., letting local police cooperate with federal immigration agencies and tightening the rules against squatters). This blatant media bias has been steadily moving me from being a life-long Democrat to looking much more favorably on the GOP,” posted yet another.

Like the reform initiatives, the upcoming state convention is an aim to unify all Washingtonians in support of common-sense policies to fix what’s broken in WA. “This is going to be a real convention—not a ceremony, not an empty exercise,” says Chairman Walsh.

Some 2,000 delegates from across the state will be convening in Spokane on April 18-20th to endorse candidates for nine statewide offices. These races include Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, State Attorney General, Commissioner of Public Lands, Treasurer, Auditor, Insurance Commissioner, and State School Superintendent.

Delegates will also endorse a candidate for the United States Senate, and ten Congressional candidates as well. Twenty races in total.

“The purpose of holding a real, live decision-making convention—happening earlier than in previous years—is to unify us,” says Chairman Walsh. “The goal is November—and that our candidates peak at the right time. By helping them win, we all come together.”

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