WAGOP Enthusiastically Adopts 2024 Platform

May 15, 2024

Bellevue, WA - One highlight of the 2024 Washington State Republican Party Convention in Spokane, WA, was the adoption of the WAGOP Platform passed by some 1,800 delegates. At its core, the state convention—and the WAGOP Platform—is about uniting and mobilizing diverse voices under common principles and shared goals. The WAGOP Platform is a unifying tool.

“The Washington State Republican Party stands for freedom, prosperity, and opportunity,” read’s the Platform’s opening paragraph. “The principles of our party recognize our God-given liberties while promoting opportunity for every American.”

It goes on to say: “We are dedicated to preserving an independent, constitutional republic through active participation by citizens for the protection and preservation of foundational values including: the sanctity and dignity of human life; religious freedom; personal rights and responsibility; preserving a free society, free markets, and free trade; limited government; low taxes; minimal bureaucracy; national security and sovereignty; and private property rights.”

“This is a truly historic document,” WAGOP Chairman Jim Walsh says, of the new Platform.

“First, it was passed by a strongly opinionated group of several thousand conservatives quickly and unanimously. Anyone who knows anything about political conventions will agree that’s simply amazing.

“Second, it spells out in clear and compelling language what common-sense conservatives in Washington stand FOR. What we believe in. Why we are involved and active. To reiterate: We believe in limited, but effective government, individual rights, and personal liberty. Good schools. Safe communities. And a free-market economy.

“And to be sure: the lion’s share of the credit for how well the platform came together goes to Juliana McMahan of Kitsap County, who chaired WAGOP’s Platform Committee. She did an awesome job!”

“It was my honor to serve as Chair for the 2024 State Convention Platform Committee,” says McMahan. “The hard-working committee members represented all parts of Washington state and came together to craft a Platform which represented the interests and concerns of Republicans from all walks of life.”

“The state convention delegates endorsed their work when they adopted the Platform without making any changes,” adds McMahan. “Delegates returned home with an overall positive impression. They will work hard to get Republicans elected in 2024 and beyond.”

The WAGOP Platform is divided into 18 sections. The document describes foundational conservative values, including:

- civil and religious liberty,
- limited government,
- rule of law and justice,
- election integrity,
- national security,
- national sovereignty,
- border security and immigration,
- sound fiscal policy,
- economic opportunity for all,
- support for families,
- quality education,
- quality healthcare,
- property rights,
- protection of agriculture and smart management of natural resources,
- abundant energy,
- real environmental protection,
- efficient transportation priorities, and
- preserving the initiative process.

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