CAGOP, Leader Jones Announce Addition of Senator Alvarado-Gil to Republican Party, Senate Republican Caucus

August 8, 2024

SACRAMENTO - On August 8, 2024, Senate Minority Leader Brian W. Jones and California Republican Party Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson welcomed Senator Marie Alvarado-Gil to the Senate Republican Caucus and the California Republican Party as she announced her departure from the Senate Democratic Caucus and her change in party affiliation.

“Since my first day in office, I have put the interests of my constituents first. I was elected to serve the public, not a political ideology,” said Alvarado-Gil. “The status quo under a supermajority Democratic rule in the legislature is simply not working for this state. It is after deep reflection I announce that I will be joining the Senate Republican Caucus and the California Republican Party in their fight to Fix California.

“Since I’ve served in our State’s Capitol, I’ve had a front-row seat to witness the supermajority push California in the wrong direction, having a grave effect on our once Golden state. The Democratic Party is unrecognizable to what I once knew and lacks the will to fix the problems plaguing this state. I cannot stand by a party that ignores the will of the people and disregards the core American values that my very community supports and believes in.”

Alvarado-Gil is known for her bipartisan approach, notably diverging from norms earlier this year as she was recognized by media for her efforts with Senate Republicans to compassionately clear homeless encampments. Showcasing bold action and her strength as a leader, she even revoked support for bills when the supermajority prioritized politics over public safety.

“I will continue to aggressively advocate for fiscal responsibility, policies that protect and restore community safety, that support our veterans, tackle the homelessness crisis with accountability, and lower living costs,” Alvarado-Gil continued. “I look forward to collaborating with my Republican colleagues on their plan to Fix California and continuing to lead with a pragmatic approach on issues affecting my district and this great state.”

Alvarado-Gil has led the charge on numerous anti-crime measures, including efforts to address the fentanyl crisiscombat human traffickingprotect child victims of sex traffickingmake the rape of an unconscious person a violent felony, and crack down on the dumping of sexually violent predators in rural communities.

“It takes courage to stand up to the supermajority in California and Marie has what it takes,” said Leader Jones. “Her record on tackling crime, protecting communities from sexually violent predators, and prioritizing her constituents speaks for itself. Senate Republicans are committed to addressing the real issues facing communities across the state and look forward to adding an eager spit fire like Marie to the cause.”

Jones, who worked closely with Alvarado-Gil on several key Republican-priority measures in recent months, welcomes her with open arms.

“Senator Alvarado-Gil has represented her community as an independent, fiscally-conservative voice in Sacramento, and we are honored to have her represent them going forward as a member of the Republican Party,” said Chairwoman Patterson. “While California Democrats continue to lose voters, the California Republican Party keeps adding in every congressional and legislative district and in every county. We are overjoyed today that this now includes Senator Alvarado-Gil.” 

“California Democrats’ failed one-party rule has had disastrous consequences throughout the Golden State, and instead of fixing critical issues like rampant crime, a homeless crisis and an outrageous cost of living, they have driven our state to the top of all the wrong lists,”  Patterson continued. “Thankfully, the constituents in Senate District 4 have a leader in Sacramento who will fight alongside the California Republican Party to move our state in the right direction once again.”    

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