Democrats Are Tone-Deaf On Rising Electric Bills

August 15, 2024

Pura Approves Another Increase In Electric Bills

MIDDLETOWN - The Public Utility Regulatory Authority (PURA), on Wednesday, approved an increase in electric bills to “true up” the cost Eversource and UI are incurring to “enhance,” among other things, the electric vehicle charging grid, as part of the so-called Regulatory Adjustment Mechanism, imposed by the Democrats. 

“This additional cost will be added to electric bills starting next month and is part of the Democrat’s plan to force electric vehicles down the throat of Connecticut residents,” said Ben Proto, Connecticut Republican Party Chairman. This additional cost will only add to the unaffordable electric bills that showed up in mailboxes this past month.” 

“Governor Lamont can end this madness with a stroke of a pen on an Executive Order and by calling the legislature back into Special Session to fix this Democrat-created problem,” said Proto. “Unfortunately, Democrats would rather play election season games and not have to force members to vote on legislation that would help people because they know that too many far-left radical members of the Democratic caucus would oppose such measures. Governor Lamont, Speaker Ritter, and Senate President Pro Tempore Looney are more concerned with winning an election than helping alleviate the financial struggles Connecticut residents face from ill-conceived Democrat legislation. 

“The people of Connecticut simply can no longer afford the Democrats’ lack of empathy for the financial problems so many in Connecticut face. Rising grocery costs, gasoline, insurance, and property taxes are just some problems. To add insult to injury, after receiving the highest monthly electric bills people have seen in a generation, the Democrats and Democrat-controlled PURA are adding even more cost to next month’s bill. 

“Please, Governor Lamont, the people of Connecticut are begging you to stop playing politics and start taking care of the people you represent. Sign the Executive Order and call the legislature back into session and fix this problem,” concluded Proto.

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