One Individual is More Responsible Than Any Other for the Worst Border Crisis in U.S. History: 'Border Czar' Kamala Harris

September 12, 2024

Kamala has owned the Harris-Biden border crisis from the start, admitting their policy was to "undo" President Trump's successful border security.

The Harris-Biden administration took 94 executive actions in the first 100 days to dismantle President Trump’s border security - including halting construction of the border wall and ending the “Remain in Mexico” policy.

- In March 2021, Kamala was crowned "border czar."

- In April 2021 - the first full month since Kamala officially assumed her role - illegal crossings shot up 128% (178,795) compared to the month she took office (78,414).

- It only got worse from there, with monthly illegal crossings nearly doubling during her tenure - remaining above 150,000/month almost every single month.

For context, illegal border crossings averaged around 50,000/month under President Trump.

The number of illegals RELEASED into the country also skyrocketed under Kamala - going from two-digit monthly releases during the Trump administration to five- and six-digit monthly releases under Harris-Biden.

Kamala would take it ten steps further if she is elected in November:

- Kamala wants to make every state a “sanctuary state.”

- Kamala backs MASS AMNESTY for millions of illegals already in the country.

- Kamala supports decriminalizing illegal border crossings.

- Kamala thought Barack Obama deported too many illegal immigrants.

- Kamala compared ICE officers to the KKK and said we need to start "from scratch" with the agency that arrests and deports rapists and killers.

- Kamala supports taxpayer-funded health care coverage for illegal immigrants.

- Kamala wants to shut down immigration detention centers and release thousands of criminals.

- Kamala said a border wall is "medieval" and mocked the idea that terrorists would take advantage of our southern border.

- As a senator, Kamala urged the Senate not to fund additional Border Patrol personnel.

The "border czar" - who has visited the southern border only ONCE (to a "politically safe" area) - owns the consequences of the millions of illegal aliens who have invaded U.S. communities and unleashed an unprecedented era of needless and preventable migrant crime on American citizens.

"Kamala Harris is singularly responsible for the Harris-Biden Administration's border policies that have made North Carolina a border state and made our communities less safe than it was four years ago," said NCGOP Communications Director Matt Mercer.

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