Over 350 people attend the first Delaware Electric Car Mandate Town Hall in Sussex. North Wilmington is Thursday Night!

March 22, 2023

On Tuesday night, March 21, more than 350 people gathered at the Indian River Senior Center to hear about the Delaware Electric Car Mandate that would make it increasingly difficult to purchase traditional gas-powered cars and trucks, starting in 2025.   The event was moderated by Rep. Rich Collins.  Speakers included experts Climatologist David LeGates and Energy Analyst David Stevenson, from the Caesar Rodney Institute. The event was organized by the House and Senate Republican Caucuses to share the details of the Delaware Electric Vehicle Mandate and to address questions from the community about the impact of the proposed regulation.  The mandate was issued by Governor Carney directing the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) to promulgate regulations.

“The transition to electric vehicles in Delaware will have little to no measurable impact on climate change in our state,” reported David Legates, former professor of geography at the University of Delaware and a former Delaware State Climatologist.   David Stevenson, Director of the Center for Energy & Environmental Policy at the Caesar Rodney Institute, stated that Delaware is already fully compliant with EPA Standards.

Robert Ricker of Millsboro, Delaware, a Veteran Firefighter spoke as a private citizen.  “My experience is that electric vehicles are still a developing technology, and their design increases the risk of fire and injury to first responders, due to the size of the battery and the construction of the vehicle”.

“The Governor and Secretary Garvin are bypassing the General Assembly to issue a mandate that will impact people’s lives across Sussex County and all of Delaware”, said Senator Gerald Hocker.   “Families and small businesses should be free to decide when it is right to purchase electric cars.”

Collins fielded questions from the audience and challenged the fact sheet provided by DNREC.  “We need to follow the science, folks.  We need to work with the correct information to make such an important decision,” said Representative Collins.

Over 200 people signed a petition asking the Governor to “STOP the Electric Car Mandate” on the way out of the event on Tuesday.

Further Town Halls are scheduled in New Castle County on March 23, 28 and 30 and in Dover at the Camden-Wyoming Fire Hall on March 29.  The Town Halls begin at 6:30 pm.  Citizens can register at www.noevmandate.com

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