WisGOP Statement on Tammy Baldwin's Remarks to DNC

August 23, 2024

MADISON, WI - If you are covering Tammy Baldwin’s address to the 2024 Democratic National Convention, please consider the following statement from WisGOP Chairman Brian Schimming:

“After more than two decades in Washington, career politician Tammy Baldwin has little to say or offer to Wisconsin besides more inflation and lawlessness at the southern border. None of this should come as a surprise to anyone familiar with her record. 

“For years, Baldwin opposed common sense policies to secure the border. When she had the chance to stand up to the party bosses and stop their inflationary agenda, she instead capitulated and voted 96% of the time with the Biden-Harris Administration. While Baldwin may have done well for herself with a stockpile of undisclosed assets, working families have been left with nothing but thinner wallets and skyrocketing costs on her watch. 

“Wisconsinites deserve better than another round of dwindling savings and crumbling borders. Above all, they demand new leadership that takes pride in delivering results for hard-working Americans. Eric Hovde knows that what all working families want are lower prices and real security. That begins this November with retiring Tammy Baldwin and electing Eric Hovde to the United States Senate.” - WisGOP Chairman Brian Schimming


- Tammy Baldwin voted for the failed agenda of the Biden-Harris Administration 96% of the time in 2023.

- Baldwin failed to disclose numerous conflicts of interest involving undisclosed assets belonging to her and her partner. 

- Year-over-year inflation has risen by 5.5% on Kamala Harris and Tammy Baldwin’s watch.

- Under Kamala Harris and Tammy Baldwin, median housing prices in Wisconsin have skyrocketed 8% over the last year.

- Baldwin defended sanctuary cities and voted against stronger penalties for illegal reentries. She also opposed the Grassley compromise amendment that would have delivered $25 billion for increased border security in 2018.

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