Immigration - A Golden Ticket

July 12, 2024

While the Obama/Biden team heavily relied on negative optics regarding Republican handling of the Southern Border to best McCain, Romney, and a second-term Trump, the issue of immigration may come back to haunt the former Vice President as he gears up for his 2024 run.

Germany’s recent parliamentary election was thrown into utter chaos when, nine days prior, an immigrant murdered a policeman in a Mannheim city square, stabbing him multiple times in the head and neck. While Chancellor Olaf Scholz was not up for reelection this year, his parliamentary control was decimated, and conservative players gained significant ground. Similarly, in the concurrent elections for the European (Union) Parliament, parties considered to be far-right picked up seats, though their distribution was such as not to influence the general body’s power structure.

In the United States, presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden has certainly been warned of such overseas trends and will now struggle with which avenue to pursue. While polling- and international elections- may indicate voters are moving to the right regarding immigration, Biden relies heavily on support from the youth bloc. Already frustrated with his handling of the War in Israel, young liberals are losing the enthusiasm that helped shepherd Biden to the White House in 2008, 2012, and 2020.

In early June, President Biden seemed to feel almost similarly to Trump regarding immigration and suggested a crackdown on individuals crossing the border in pursuit of asylum. The move prompted both liberal criticism as well as a lawsuit by the American Civil Liberties Union. Just weeks later, he announced a plan to extend citizenship to as many as 50,000 illegal immigrants in the United States. Harkening back to Barack Obama’s election-year drafting of DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), Biden has evidently decided to go soft on immigration and pander to progressive voters. He is, of course, sidestepping bipartisan discussion or cooperation in favor of executive action, with little regard for the move’s permanence beyond November.

It appears as if President Biden is trying out different protocols to see what plays best in the polls and media. While he may be responding to backlash regarding his earlier announcement of increased enforcement, his drastic pivot toward empathy may prove to be a lasting mistake. Nearly 80% of Americans believe the situation at the Southern border is either a crisis or major problem, making it one of the most unifying domestic issues. Lessening existing restrictions, particularly unilaterally through executive order, will likely only prove impressive to more extreme echelons of the Democratic party and anger remaining voters. Certainly, neither side will be satisfied by his rapidly shifting protocol. Unless he can pick a sentiment and galvanize his administration in its pursuit, Biden may face damage, and his friendly Senate may see some of the same impact as Germany’s parliament earlier this month.

Do you feel the issue of immigration will play a significant role in November’s election? Which candidate has a better case to make?

Hilary Gunn is a Connecticut native with a degree in Criminal Justice from the George Washington University. She works for a nonprofit and has previously collaborated with the CT GOP as an activist, political campaign manager and field director, and social media organizer. She is currently serving in her fourth term of municipal office and has previously acted as a delegate on the Republican Town Committee.

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GOPJane on Aug 23, 2022 8:06 AM
Let's reinforce our positive message for the country as we enter the midterm campaign season - support candidates who believe in secure borders, a growing economy, low regulation, low inflation and a powerful military. #GOP2022 See Comments
Sheila on Aug 21, 2022 8:13 AM
Senator Blumenthal is Biden’s puppet! Time to go, ten years too long See Comments
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