The Debate Is On!

June 3, 2024

After a half-season of speculation, both presumptive candidates (and an eager potential third) have agreed to participate in Presidential Debates- though not of the usual order. Eschewing the expected pomp and circumstance, Trump and Biden have created their own rules of engagement, and the end result will look drastically different from the debate stages of yore.

One of the most intriguing differentials will be a lack of a live audience, something that has been synonymous with most debating, certainly presidential. The move comes at the insistence of Joe Biden, who fears energized spectators could catalyze Trump's performance. Further, the President struggles both to hear others and stay on topic during live events, issues exacerbated by background noise and cheering. Another stipulation from the DNC was that microphones be entirely moderator-controlled, with contestants physically cut off from speaking once their time has elapsed. While this may allow Biden to better control the narrative- and avoid tangential jabs from Trump- it also strips the latter of his persona as a brute interrupter and may inadvertently lend the former President an air of uncharacteristic diplomacy.

The duo plan to first spar June 27th, marking the earliest ever presidential debate, and again on September 10th as election day approaches. Typically, the challenger does a better job during a first general debate than an incumbent, as they have not had the lead-up practice of primary campaigning and have spent the last several years surrounded by yes-men and fielding softball interviews. Biden's dictatorial control of this particular iteration may level the playing field and allow the President a more robust than anticipated showing. While some senior advisors reportedly urged Biden to forego debates entirely this cycle, evidently the optics of opting out proved too damning. With intense speculation already percolating around the President's age and intellectual capacity, he must, at minimum, participate in a Potempkenized version and allow his team to best spin whatever the result.

Eager to join the fray is third-party hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr, who is running in various states under differing party banners. RFKJr would be the first tri-partisan contender to qualify since 1992's Ross Perot, who faced off against Bill Clinton and George Bush the First.  Kennedy's participation would change the event's dynamic entirely, but his campaign would miss out on the enthusiasm provided by a live audience. However, despite his unusual momentum, RFKJr may not be allowed to participate under the altered rules of engagement. One thing is sure: neither mainstream candidate wants him involved, and both parties will do what they can to exclude the potential upset from any campaigning.

The first debate in June will kick off the 2024 cycle in earnest, a moment long-awaited in a seemingly stagnant season. With Trump removing himself from earlier GOP candidate events, very little has gone on beyond the confines of party headquarters for either side. The American voters are eager to hear and contrast candidate ideas and ideologies before they head to the polls, and they will finally have an opportunity to do so beginning June 27th.

How do you feel about this cycle's version of Presidential debates? Do you intend to watch?

Hilary Gunn is a Connecticut native with a degree in Criminal Justice from the George Washington University. She works for a nonprofit and has previously collaborated with the CT GOP as an activist, political campaign manager and field director, and social media organizer. She is currently serving in her fourth term of municipal office and has previously acted as a delegate on the Republican Town Committee.

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