The Dewoking Of Kamala

September 17, 2024

As rumors swirl of a centrist running mate, Kamala herself has begun to transform from progressive princess to a more sellable, winnable version of moderate. Gone are the anti-hydraulic fracturing promises of yore, discarded like so much fracking waste in a landfill. In their place, assurances of robust support for the energy sector and little explanation for the seismic shift.

While she has unequivocally supported its ban during previous campaigns, the presumptive Democratic nominee now feels the pressure from oil-rich states such as Pennsylvania, a critical swing territory for 2024. Indeed, now a Keystone State, PA, has influenced elections since the Jeffersonian era and continues to fluctuate between red and blue. In 2016, Trump's popularity in rural areas and suburban Pittsburgh helped clinch the critical state for Republicans, solidifying his first Presidential win.

While Scranton Joe may have held a home-field advantage, Trump still managed to do better in Pennsylvania in 2020 than his national average. With Kamala in the spotlight, he seems primed to surge ahead, capitalizing on his popularity with factory workers and the rural population. Paired up with Appalachia's own JD Vance, the duo could prove unbeatable, and Kamala is evidently concerned about their blue-collar appeal.

Thus begins the dewoking of Kamala, a careful unraveling of the uber liberal policies that rose her ranking- first in California, and subsequently nationwide. While a 2020 Biden only had to apologize for his push to ban fracking on federal lands, the Lady Harris has repeatedly gone on record as opposing all hydraulic fracturing, a reality that would devastate the economy of several states. Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania- all considered vital swing states for 2024- rely on fracking to some extent, and voters will be none too pleased with even the suggestion of a ban.

Furthermore, the process accounts for roughly half of all domestic crude oil production, a boon for energy independence and an overall win for national security. What may have played well during California Senate elections of yore will no longer translate to a national audience of informed, concerned voters. The United States simply cannot risk the loss of the 9.8 million jobs associated with shale energy nor capitulate to foreign nations for continued energy supply.

Her sudden policy reversal should not be believed, and the Trump/Vance team remains the only one that has consistently supported the American energy sector and its related jobs. Meanwhile, eco-heavy progressives will be disappointed with such abrupt betrayal, and the move may actually hurt the recent enthusiasm displayed for the current Vice President's campaign. Democrats who already feel their choice has been taken away will not appreciate a conservative stance on this or any other subject she may decide to revisit over the coming weeks.

Her role in 2020 as a liberal, minority woman to ingratiate voters less than thrilled by the elevation of another old white man to the Presidency will no longer translate to the top of the ticket. Kamala is now attempting to demonstrate a career's worth of responsibility in 9 weeks, and I wish I had some popcorn.

How do you feel about Kamala's sudden shift in stance on fracking? Will she continue to offer new beliefs over the coming weeks?

Hilary Gunn is a Connecticut native with a degree in Criminal Justice from the George Washington University. She works for a nonprofit and has previously collaborated with the CT GOP as an activist, political campaign manager and field director, and social media organizer. She is currently serving in her fourth term of municipal office and has previously acted as a delegate on the Republican Town Committee.

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