The Morning After

July 12, 2024

An eager nation tuned in last week for the first Presidential debate of the 2024 cycle, and many came away concerned not only about the election but about Biden’s remaining tenure in the White House, second term or not. Despite his micromanaging of event circumstances, including muting of microphones and no live audience, the President failed to muster even basic responses to questions related to his daily life for the past three and a half years.

Biden suffered through the entire debate, failing not only to best Trump but to craft any sort of legitimate argument supporting his continued service. The 81-year-old typically relies heavily on teleprompters, and his inability to participate in political discourse in their absence was disturbing. Particularly given that advisors and donors saw the debate as an opportunity for Biden to prove his fitness for office in front of a live audience, the optics were less than ideal.

The President’s performance was so abysmal that it was impossible to spin. The White House had no chance but to suggest Biden was ill, suffering from a cold that impacted his usual (presumably more robust) demeanor. On a video conference with the Democratic Governor’s Association a week later, called specifically to address concerns regarding the debate, the President claimed he had been cleared since by a Doctor, and there were no official health concerns. Some of his biggest supporters, both in Washington and the media, including the New York Times Editorial Board, have begun to call for Biden to step down and allow an alternate candidate to continue the campaign. The President has reportedly personally decided to see the election through to November.

Foreign diplomats also purportedly expressed anonymous concerns, with dozens from Europe, Asia, and the Middle East suggesting the President failed not only to beat Trump but to present any sort of authentic basis for election. CNN reports one Arab official commented, “Trump ate him alive.”

Polling following the debate indicates many viewers felt the same. 67% reportedly believed Trump bested Biden in the debate. Even more disturbingly for the President, however, is the response from registered Democrats, with just 35% saying they had confidence in his ability to govern our nation following his poor showing. Unless Biden can pull off the performance of his lifetime over the next few weeks, the DNC may have no choice but to substitute an alternate candidate at the convention in August. Now that the President has secured enough primary votes as to presume his reelection, it is essentially his to distribute. Until he has an official nomination, the President (or any presumptive nominee) retains veto control over his delegates and can direct such votes toward a candidate of his choosing. Logistics become a little more complicated- and out of DNC hands- once a nomination is official, so the next month is likely the time voters will see an alternate candidate placed in the running.

How did you feel about President Biden’s debate performance? Do you feel comfortable with him running for a second term?

Hilary Gunn is a Connecticut native with a degree in Criminal Justice from the George Washington University. She works for a nonprofit and has previously collaborated with the CT GOP as an activist, political campaign manager and field director, and social media organizer. She is currently serving in her fourth term of municipal office and has previously acted as a delegate on the Republican Town Committee.

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GOPJane on Aug 23, 2022 8:06 AM
Let's reinforce our positive message for the country as we enter the midterm campaign season - support candidates who believe in secure borders, a growing economy, low regulation, low inflation and a powerful military. #GOP2022 See Comments
Sheila on Aug 21, 2022 8:13 AM
Senator Blumenthal is Biden’s puppet! Time to go, ten years too long See Comments
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