The Next Walz

September 17, 2024

Presumptive Democratic nominee Kamala Harris has announced her VP pick- and with it, the projected tenor of her campaign. After spending the past weeks walking back progressive promises of yore, Harris is evidently prepared to pass off her current employment position to one of the most liberal among us. Tim Walz, Governor of Minnesota, was plucked from near obscurity to try for the second-highest seat in the nation as a surprise choice for the Harris campaign. Eschewing more popular- therefore controversial- options such as Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg or Congressional wild child Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the Democratic nominee declined to err more moderate and instead went unknown.

The shrewd choice will likely placate the more extreme echelons of liberal society while hedging that remaining voters lack a sufficient election timeline to truly understand Walz's deeply blue nature.

Known to inner circles as one of the most aggressively progressive Governors in the United States, Walz has been particularly vocal on the expansion of both abortion and immigration. He married his wife Gwen in 1994, and the pair share two children, Hope and Gus, as well as eight grandchildren. Gwen is reportedly active in her role as first lady of Minnesota and has been an enthusiastic advocate for gun control and criminal justice reform.

The 60-year-old Nebraska native joined the Army National Guard after graduating from High School and eventually earned a teaching degree from Chadron State College. He later settled in Minnesota, where he worked as a social studies teacher and football coach before running for Congress in 2006. He served six terms before pursuing the Governorship in 2019 and has since been reelected.

One significant leg up Walz has over Republican contender JD Vance is substantial legislative and executive governmental experience, something of a gap in the latter's resume. While he currently serves as a Junior Senator, Vance has spent much of his career in the private legal and financial sectors. Particularly given the recent spotlight on Harris's (debatable) ability to step in given Biden's incapacity, the Governor's significant governmental tenure will read well to more cautious voters. However, he will have an uphill battle matching Vance on personality.

What remains puzzling is Walz's polling, which indicated significantly less favorability than public finalists Arizona Senator Mike Kelly and Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro. What may have intrigued DNC strategists is his correlating unfamiliarity, with 71% of Americans claiming to have never before heard of him. Given the unprecedented nature of the current cycle, Democrats are clearly hoping to retain tight control of candidate narratives and are evidently confident in their ability to create enough enthusiasm for the unpopular pair so as to secure their election in three short months. Walz seems an opportunity to run an 'everyman' candidate and allow undecided voters to project whatever personality most suits to their personal requirements of a Vice President. In a field defined by unpredictability, a dull, dependable grandfather of eight may lend an air of credibility to an underdeveloped Democratic ticket and lend momentum to the Harris team.

Were you surprised by Vice President Harris's choice for running mate? How will Walz's selection impact the remainder of the campaign?

Hilary Gunn is a Connecticut native with a degree in Criminal Justice from the George Washington University. She works for a nonprofit and has previously collaborated with the CT GOP as an activist, political campaign manager and field director, and social media organizer. She is currently serving in her fourth term of municipal office and has previously acted as a delegate on the Republican Town Committee.

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