The Shortlist

July 12, 2024

With perhaps the earliest indication of major party nominees in American election history, one critical name has yet to be released for the 2024 election- Trump’s VP. Whomever the presumptive GOP frontrunner selects as his number two will impact the tenor and direction of campaigning and perhaps the final result. His eagerly anticipated shortlist has finally come forth, although Trump suggests he may delay a final decision until the July convention in Milwaukee. The following are the rumored finalists for second in command.

1.            Doug Bergum, Governor of North Dakota
A North Dakotan born and bred, Doug Bergum offers an infusion of midwestern values- and cold hard cash- that the Trump campaign may just be after. Following an incredibly successful career in software (resulting in the sale of his company to Microsoft for over $1 billion), Bergum easily won his 2016 and 2020 gubernatorial contests and remained wildly popular with Republican constituents. Unfortunately, his familiarity ends at State borders, with 90% of registered voters being unfamiliar with the Governor despite making a run for the 2024 nomination himself and participating in two candidate debates. He concluded his personal campaign in December and has since been consulting with the Trump team on their energy policy. While his anonymity could make for a more complex introduction on the trail, it may also leave room for a gentler GOP influence that could help to temper Trump.

2.            Marco Rubio, Florida Senator
The most well-known of the finalists, Marco Rubio, became a national name in the 2016 election and has served three terms in the Senate. This combination of name recognition and institutional knowledge could prove beneficial to Trump- still very much a Beltway outsider despite one term and two and a half Presidential campaigns to his name. The United States government is nothing if not bureaucratic and complex, and a candidate who understands both policy and procedure should not be dismissed in an increasingly chaotic political landscape. As the first Latino nominee for either top seat from both major parties, he could help negotiate the subject of immigration and the border, hardly Trump’s areas of precision. Despite his boyish good looks, Rubio loses points for behavior the voters find to be awkward and has been described as robotic.

3.            J.D. Vance, Ohio Senator
A lawyer, venture capitalist, Senator, and award-winning author, J.D. Vance is something of a Renaissance man and a controversial one at that. Vance literally wrote the book on American poverty and the struggling working class- his New York Times best-selling memoir-turned-film, Hillbilly Elegy. A staunch proponent of self-reliance, Vance graduated from Yale Law School and eventually became a technology venture capitalist. Originally a never-Trumper (he pondered in 2016 if the future President might be America’s answer to Adolf Hitler), Vance ran for Senate in 2022 with the Donald’s blessing- and grudging endorsement. While he is undoubtedly accomplished- admittedly with less public service background than we would like- his image as a tough-love, bootstrapping millionaire may be a little too similar to Trump’s to make a meaningful difference in the campaign.

4.            Tim Scott, South Carolina Senator
Born and raised in South Carolina, Scott was educated in State and worked as an insurance broker after graduating from Charleston Southern University. He entered public service- first on the City Council, then the SC House of Representatives before running for Congress and, ultimately, the Senate. Tim Scott is our pick for VP, having presented a strong and steady persona during his debate performance. Combined with his stellar background of combined public and private sector expertise, Scott has name recognition without reputation- practically unheard of in national politics. He offers a semi-familiar face, devoid of scandal, through which to deliver a message of unity and progress, just what the Donald ordered.

5.            Elise Stefanik, New York Congresswoman
One of potential-President Trump’s most ardent supporters, Elise Stefanik, has remained suspiciously below the GOP radar. Hailing from New York, Stefanik graduated from Harvard University and quickly entered Republican sector employment. First as a staff member for George W Bush, later as a debate coach for Paul Ryan in 2012, and ultimately as a Congresswoman for her home state of New York. Stefanik is not necessarily a bad choice, but her true power ought to be developed for a future cycle rather than prematurely spent. Particularly given the current economic climate, a career politician might not be the best choice for Number Two. The voters will want a candidate who understands real-world finances and can commiserate with struggling families.

6.            Ben Carson, Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
One of the most well-known names on the list belonged to neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who rose to fame after a scathing keynote speech at the National Prayer Breakfast regarding then-President Barack Obama. He quickly climbed the Republican class structure, becoming a favorite of both the party and its people. He ran for President in 2016 before becoming the VP of Trump’s transition team and, ultimately, his Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. While he boasts sufficient qualifications, his closeness with Trump may not provide enough of an alternative for ambivalent voters looking for a distinct voice in the room.

7.            Byron Donalds, Florida Congressman
Another Florida option comes in the form of Byron Donalds, a financial professional, newly minted congressman, and staunch supporter of Donald Trump. Donalds represents another solid option that just won’t hold up on a Trump Trail. A potential VP must, of course, be supportive of their President, but blatant fawning will play poorly as Trump struggles to ingratiate unique voters. Donalds is another potential who would be better off waiting until 2028 before trying his hand on a national stage, and making the cable news rounds in the interim.

8.            Tom Cotton, Arkansas Congressman
A graduate of both Harvard College and Law School, Tom Cotton is the only veteran to make the VP shortlist, having served two combat deployments and received significant military honors. He served one term in Congress, during which he made headlines for harsh criticism of then-President Barack Obama, before moving on to the Senate, where he has spent the past decade. While his foreign policy and legal background perhaps make him the perfect selection, his reputation for hammering liberal lovelies Obama and Biden will make it challenging to sell Cotton as a gentler number two, something critical for the success of the Trump campaign.

Which of the finalists do you feel would make the best Vice-Presidential pick for Donald Trump? Is there a name you are disappointed was omitted?

Hilary Gunn is a Connecticut native with a degree in Criminal Justice from the George Washington University. She works for a nonprofit and has previously collaborated with the CT GOP as an activist, political campaign manager and field director, and social media organizer. She is currently serving in her fourth term of municipal office and has previously acted as a delegate on the Republican Town Committee.

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GOPJane on Aug 23, 2022 8:06 AM
Let's reinforce our positive message for the country as we enter the midterm campaign season - support candidates who believe in secure borders, a growing economy, low regulation, low inflation and a powerful military. #GOP2022 See Comments
Sheila on Aug 21, 2022 8:13 AM
Senator Blumenthal is Biden’s puppet! Time to go, ten years too long See Comments
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