Antisemitism Must Not Be Tolerated

July 29, 2024

MIDDLETOWN - “Swastikas painted at a Stamford High School is a further indication that antisemitism in Connecticut, and across the country and world, is on the rise,” said Connecticut Republican State Chair Ben Proto. “It’s no coincidence that this heinous act follows Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to the United States, the attempt to rip down the American flag in Washington DC and trying to replace it with the Palestinian flag, and, more importantly, the deadly attack by Hezbollah, targeting a playground and killing Jewish children and young adults.”

“Hate speech of any kind must be condemned and fully prosecuted. Unfortunately, individuals driven to undertake these cowardly acts are egged on by so-called community leaders, who see the Jewish state as an abomination and one that should be wiped off the face of the earth and, too many political and opinion leaders, including members of Congress and media outlets, who continue to protect and defend the actions of these cowards” continued Proto.

“Not only are people’s lives being put in jeopardy by these actions, but the very core of America, freedom of religion, is being ripped apart by the tacit and often expressed approval by political, media, and religious leaders.”

“In May of this year, I called out similar actions taking place on college campuses here in Connecticut and was attacked by some claiming that these individuals weren’t engaging in hate speech but simply exercising their First Amendment rights. Will these same individuals say the same thing about the painting of swastikas on a school building,” asked Proto.

“The Connecticut Republican Party denounces these actions, and we call on every elected official in Connecticut to join us in publicly denouncing these horrific actions and to defend and help protect our Jewish friends, not only from this most blatant act of antisemitism but also from those actions that threaten all people, not only those of the Jewish faith,” concluded Proto.

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