Statement From Connecticut Republican Party On Withdrawal Of President Joe Biden From The Presidential Race

July 21, 2024

Middletown - The Democratic Party is in shambles, and they have no plan to help the average American in Connecticut. We’ve seen the disastrous consequences of their policies over the past four years: record inflation, soaring prices for every day necessities, unprecedented border crossings, and a weakened status on the international stage.

Furthermore, the strong arming to force President Biden to step down underscores a disturbing lack of democratic process within the Democrat Party. Instead of allowing a transparent and open primary process, it appears that the Democrat Party is maneuvering behind the scenes to select a candidate that aligns with the agenda of politicians rather than one that reflects the will of the people. In short, Democrat leaders and the Democrat Party, for the first time in American history, have sought to depose a sitting United States President in attempt to protect their own power and position – all at the expense of America and Americans.

It’s clear after last week’s Republican convention, our country is united in an America first message! Americans want change, they want leaders who reflect their values, their priorities, their hopes and dreams for America. Democrat leaders simply want power.

America is at a crossroads and the Republican ticket of President Donald J. Trump and Senator J.D. Vance are the leaders America needs to put us back on track, protect our country, make life affordable again and to Make America Great Again.

Thanks to Joe Biden for his decades of public service and we wish him happiness and joy in his forced retirement.

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