WTAS: Statements of Support for Governor Sanders' Strategic Committee on Maternal Health's Recommendations

From: Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders
September 6, 2024

U.S. Sen. John Boozman (R-AR): “Collaboration is key to improving the health and wellness of Natural State mothers and infants. That’s why we’ve brought together experts and advocates through roundtables and partnerships to champion solutions to Arkansas’s maternal health crisis. I am grateful for Governor Sanders’ leadership to build on this momentum and take action to better serve the prenatal and postpartum needs in our state.”

State Senator Missy Irvin (District 24): “The report from the Strategic Committee for Maternal Health is a culmination of incredible work by stakeholders from all across Arkansas who came together to better our maternal health landscape. I’m excited to help support this effort and to make these recommendations a reality because I know that they will have a transformative impact on our state, and ultimately improve and save the lives of women and babies.”

State Representative Mary Bentley (District 54): “I am very excited to see the Governor’s leadership on our maternal mortality issue, and to see the state come together to gather all the voices in the room and move the best ideas forward. I am especially glad to see our Local Health Units as part of the answer – we need to make sure our constituents know how valuable these facilities can be for prenatal care. I believe these recommendations are a good outline to make a real difference going forward, and that we will see great improvements for women in Arkansas. I look forward to doing all I can to support these efforts in the Legislature in 2025.”

State Representative Aaron Pilkington(District 45): “I’m excited about the progress we have made in identifying way to not only help women in Arkansas but improve the overall health our maternal healthcare ecosystem.”

State Representative Denise Garner (District 20): “My participation with the maternal health stakeholders group stems from a long-time commitment to improving healthcare outcomes for mothers and families. This critical work transcends party lines and requires bipartisan collaboration. I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to contribute and work alongside the Governor, her team, and all the stakeholders who share this common goal. I’m looking forward to working with my legislative colleagues to ensure our policies advance the recommendations of this strategic plan.”

State Representative Lee Johnson(District 47): “We have a maternal health crisis in Arkansas. I’m thankful for our Governor’s initiative in addressing this critical issue. The work of the maternal health committee has be thorough and collaborative, involving stakeholders from all over the state. I’m confident the recommendations of the committee outline the path to improved outcomes for mothers and infants in our state.”

Representative Jay Richardson(District 47): “The work that has been done by this group is amazing! We have the blueprint to make significant changes in the state.”

Sharmila Makhija MD, Dean and CEO, Alice L. Walton School of Medicine: “The recommendations from the Strategic Committee for Maternal Health is comprehensive and we are hopeful will be impactful in improving the health and lives of women in Arkansas.”

Walter Harris, President and CEO, Heartland Whole Health Institute: “Heartland Whole Health Institute is grateful for the opportunity to support the state in its commitment to improving maternal health in Arkansas. Tackling this challenge requires dedication and collaboration, and we commend state leaders for their urgent action. We look forward to continuing our efforts alongside state leaders and community partners to advance this important cause.”

Michele Moss, MD, FAAP, FCCM, Board president, Arkansas Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics: “The Arkansas Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics is pleased to see Governor Sanders’ public investments in achieving improved outcomes for moms and babies. Governor Sanders and her Strategic Committee on Maternal Health generously welcomed input from partners to hone short- and long-term goals that support effective maternal health teams and ensure maternal- and infant-centered care statewide.  Pediatricians commit to furthering this work and connecting patient families with the resources and services outlined in the report.”

David W. Wroten, Arkansas Medical Society Executive Vice President: “At the end of the day, this is about healthy moms and babies. We can do better, and we must do better to improve outcomes in our state. We look forward to working with our Governor to make this goal a reality. A big shout out to the many people involved in this important effort.”

Cam Patterson, M.D., MBA, Chancellor of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences: “UAMS is excited about the release of this strategic plan,” said Cam Patterson, M.D., MBA, Chancellor of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Arkansas’ rate of maternal mortality is almost twice as high as the national average and is particularly high in rural areas. We look forward to working with Governor Sanders and the legislature to improve maternal health care across the state of Arkansas. Thank you to the members of the Arkansas Strategic Committee for Maternal Health for their hard work and effort to help formulate this plan.”

Nirvana Manning, MD- Chair and Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at UAMS: “The Governor’s commitment to improving maternal health in Arkansas is evident by the dedicated work put into creating the Statewide Strategic Plan. I look forward to working alongside the Governor and legislator to ensure the plan is successful executed.  This is a vital step toward ensuring every mother and child in our state has access to the care and support they need.”

Dr. Shane Speights Dean, NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine at Arkansas State University: “I am pleased that the committee has put forth these recommendations with data-driven solutions. They highlight the immediate need to address the maternal health crisis in our state and lay a foundation to build long term, sustainable solutions. An issue of this size will take multiple organizations and stakeholders working together, and NYITCOM at A-State applauds Governor Sanders for prioritizing mothers and babies in Arkansas.”

John Ryan, Arkansas Market President – Centene: “We commend the Governor and the important work of the Strategic Committee for Maternal Health on their efforts to address this critical issue for Arkansas moms and babies.  We fully support the Committee’s strategic plan and look forward to collaborating on these important initiatives.”

Troy Wells, President and CEO of Baptist Health: “We are encouraged by the Strategic Committee’s focus on ensuring pregnant women and new mothers have the appropriate access to care. These recommendations, particularly those that will expand coverage for women, improve reimbursement rates for maternal health services, and remove barriers to access, can significantly improve the lives of Arkansas women. Baptist Health looks forward to continuing to work with Governor Sanders and the Strategic Committee on the successful implementation of these recommendations and we are appreciative of the state’s focus on this critical issue for Arkansans.”

Alicia Berkemeyer, Executive Vice President and Chief Health Management Officer of Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield: “Arkansas Blue Cross was honored to participate in the working group studying the various aspects of improving maternal health in our state.  Today’s report provides a strong foundational framework that encompasses a woman’s health from conception to post-partum and contains many of the practices we currently employ for our members. This holistic approach to both the physical and emotional well-being of pregnant women and new mothers in our state will make a profound difference in the overall health outcomes of women and their babies.  Arkansas Blue Cross is extremely excited about continuing its participation with those state agencies, community partners and other stakeholders committed to improving maternal health for Arkansas women.”

Pearl McElfish, PhD, MBA, Director of UAMS’ Institute for Community Health Innovation: “The release of the Maternal Health Plan is a profound moment in Arkansas. We will look back at this moment as an important turning point for maternal health. I commend Governor Sanders and the legislature for their leadership and commitment toward improving maternal health. UAMS is fully committed to continuing to work with Governor Sanders, the legislature, and organizations across the state to implement this plan and ultimately improve the lives of women and children in Arkansas.”  

Krista Langston, Executive Director of Community Programs, UAMS Institute of Community Health Innovation: “The Governor’s Maternal Health Plan aligns with the strategic objectives of the Institute for Community Health Innovation to improve quality, expand access, and enhance maternal health data and accessibility. The plan reinforces UAMS ICHI’s current initiatives to expand prenatal access by deploying mobile units in maternal health deserts and expanding certification pathways and reimbursement for health support workers, such as doulas and community health workers.”

Jodiane Tritt, JD. Executive Vice President, Arkansas Hospital Association: “The Arkansas Hospital Association proudly represents more than 100 healthcare facilities, including every hospital with a labor and delivery department, and their more than 45,000 employees in the state. Along with our members, we commend Governor Sanders and the State’s Strategic Committee for Maternal Health for taking on the mission of advancing maternal health outcomes in Arkansas. At the AHA, we fully support the governor’s leadership on this vital issue, and we stand ready to continue to serve as resources and partners implementing the action steps outlined in the Strategic Maternal Health Plan that will pave the way for lasting improvements in ensuring that every mother receives the care and support she deserves.”

Ross DeVol, CEO and President at Heartland Forward: “Health care workforce shortages, of both professionals and paraprofessionals, have a profound impact on health and economic outcomes in our state. Supporting and advocating for Community Health Workers is essential to protecting our children, mothers and their families. Today’s announcement is a significant step towards closing the maternal health gap in Arkansas and we look forward to the action taken to address this urgent issue.”

Brian Thomas, President and CEO of Jefferson Regional: “Jefferson Regional supports and applauds Governor Sanders’ efforts to address the maternal health crisis in Arkansas.  The state continues to see the growing number of hospitals that simply can no longer staff or fund traditional maternal programs as in the past.  This challenge must require less traditional ways of thinking.  In addition, it is encouraging that these efforts will be exploring Medicaid payment reform, which must address the growing gap in reimbursement necessary for hospitals to fund such vital programs.  Maintaining maternal health services in areas like Pine Bluff is critical to being able to continue to rural areas of Arkansas.  I applaud the Governor and the team members for their focus on this important matter.”

Kenya Eddings, Director of Arkansas Minority Health Commission: “The ADH-Arkansas Minority Health Commission was honored to help develop strategy aimed at improving maternal health outcomes statewide. From attending listening sessions in pilot counties to developing a robust messaging program, we know that the work of committee members and stakeholders, combined with community involvement, will improve the health of women of child-bearing age particularly in communities that the ADH-Arkansas Minority Health Commission serves.”

Keesa Smith-Brantley, Executive Director of Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families: “Arkansas deserves a health care system and social environment that values women throughout their lives. We’re encouraged by the recommendations in this report and the dedication of the stakeholders and Strategic Committee to improving the maternal health landscape. We know there are more areas we must address and look forward to continued collaboration in this crucial work to improve the lives of women and children alike.”

Emily McGee, MBA, BSN, RN, St. Bernards Vice President of Nursing and Women’s & Children’s Services: “Maternal health initiatives invest in the future of our communities. St. Bernards Pregnancy Clinics have grown from the idea that equipping families early, from prenatal through postpartum care, builds a better future. We appreciate Governor Sanders and her team for helping us build together.”

John Vinson, CEO, Arkansas Pharmacists Association: “The Arkansas Pharmacists Association applauds Governor Sanders and her team for addressing this critical public health issue. With over 4,000 pharmacists dispersed over all 75 counties, we stand ready as the most accessible healthcare providers to close care gaps in collaboration with their primary care clinicians. We look forward to continuing to with the Medicaid administration on operationalizing reimbursement for pharmacist-provided family planning and contraception services. Furthermore, we aim to pursue discussions on the ways in which pharmacists can contribute to prenatal care by facilitating the initiation of folic acid and vitamin D supplementation, administering immunizations, identifying and addressing transportation barriers, as well as triaging care to other healthcare providers.”

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