Bon Voyage Biden

September 17, 2024

In perhaps the most rational move thus far in the 2024 election cycle, President Biden has announced he does not intend to seek another term in the White House. Instead, he has endorsed current Vice President Kamala Harris to assume the nomination, circumventing the trivial tasks of primary campaigns or silly, preliminary debates. Rather, King Biden and his DNC courtiers have coronated the Lady Harris for immediate promotion, and the commoners will not be in attendance at the ceremony.

The President released a written announcement stating that he “had decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all [his] energies on [his] duties as President for the remainder of [his] term.” He went on to reference his choice of Kamala as a running mate in 2020 as “the best decision… [he’s] ever made” before endorsing her as his replacement in a later statement.

To some Americans, this swap served as a general reminder that Kamala Harris is, in fact, the current Vice President or of her existence entirely. The former prosecutor has regularly polled with a disapproval rating of near or over 50%, despite her affiliation with Biden and the core DNC. Recent Politico polling shows just 60% of Democrats believe she could be successful in a Presidential election, a tone which changed dramatically once the hoi palloi realized what the oligarchs had schemed. Within 24 hours, Harris was announcing she had secured enough delegates as to be the presumptive nominee, and fundraising began to escalate. Over $100 million was raised in less than two days, before the Vice President had ever made an official campaign appearance.

In advance of the upcoming (remote) convention roll call vote in August, delegates of the DNC were evidently prepared to switch allegiance mid-tweet, readily offering their bid to Harris. Celebrities and mega-donors alike immediately coalesced and invested huge amounts in her election, adding to the accumulated Biden war chest that Democrats insist she can inherit. Although technically Biden and Harris share one campaign committee, and thus bank account, the comingling could violate federal election law.

The Trump campaign has already filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission to prevent such unprecedented sharing. If the replacement were any individual other than Harris, Biden would only be able to donate $2,000 of his funds raised. Regardless of the legality of the handoff, the FEC typically only reaches decisions in one to five years, rendering its ultimate verdict entirely moot. Had Harris been the original nominee, she would not have come close to raising the fortune she now brings with her to the campaign trail.

Whether Harris has the chutzpah to take on Trump and his enthusiastic supporters remains to be seen, although, for his part, the latter has already declined debates.

How do you feel about President Biden stepping down from the campaign? Does Kamala Harris make a legitimate candidate?

Hilary Gunn is a Connecticut native with a degree in Criminal Justice from the George Washington University. She works for a nonprofit and has previously collaborated with the CT GOP as an activist, political campaign manager and field director, and social media organizer. She is currently serving in her fourth term of municipal office and has previously acted as a delegate on the Republican Town Committee.

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GOPJane on Aug 23, 2022 8:06 AM
Let's reinforce our positive message for the country as we enter the midterm campaign season - support candidates who believe in secure borders, a growing economy, low regulation, low inflation and a powerful military. #GOP2022 See Comments
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