Promises, Promises

September 17, 2024

In lieu of a concrete platform or policy agenda, presumptive nominee Kamala Harris has begun to offer up vague, lofty promises as she marches toward November. Through this apparent effort to distract from the recent Destruction of Democracy orchestrated by Biden et al., Harris has introduced a series of optimistic goals akin to those of a rising senior hoping to run the student government. The promise of two proms dwarfs that of shoring up the science program, and nobody really cares if the planned bake sales will cover the DJs.

 If elected, Harris has pledged to codify abortion protections into federal law, take decisive action on gun control, and work towards student loan forgiveness- all without an actionable plan but evidently achievable with sufficient repetition. Of the meager specifics offered up by her campaign, many are aimed at clarifying action Harris no longer wants to take, such as defunding the police and banning fracking, but had previously campaigned on., as they read far too progressive in the current climate.

An informed voter may wonder why, after nearly four years, Harris is making the very same promises that got her Number One Biden elected for his only term in office and that he has continued to make on a regular basis. Nearly monthly, Sleepy Joe roused himself enough to guarantee that he was taking meaningful action in the aforementioned areas, even signing a variety of executive orders. Although often thwarted by the courts- supreme or otherwise- these headline-grabbing placations have served the President well, no matter how specious.

In his stead, Kamala evidently plans to continue the same series of false assurances of meaningful change and progress for American families- if, of course, her contract is renewed. Only with these four precious years can the literal current Vice President of the United States make any sort of difference in the lives of the voters, pay no attention to the recent administration behind the curtain! Like clapping for Tinker Bell, only if you genuinely believe in her and send her back to Washington can she muster the strength to do… something. Anything. But this time, it will count! Believe Her.

Kamala’s inability to make meaningful change as Vice President does not earn her a shot at the big time. Worse somehow than Hope and Change, the DNC’s current “Let’s Hope for Change” mantra seemingly runs on ideals rather than ideas and offers little in terms of concrete policy. While Donald Trump and his Vice-Presidential choice, JD Vance, have spent the majority of their careers as champions of and for private sector success, Harris and Walz have both predominantly remained in the public sector. While their ability to titillate for tat may have granted them their current positions, the American people are no longer willing to hedge their retirements on political correctness.

What do you think of Kamala Harris’s campaign promises?

Hilary Gunn is a Connecticut native with a degree in Criminal Justice from the George Washington University. She works for a nonprofit and has previously collaborated with the CT GOP as an activist, political campaign manager and field director, and social media organizer. She is currently serving in her fourth term of municipal office and has previously acted as a delegate on the Republican Town Committee.

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